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All The Rage - Cara Hunter

Writer: booksandemmabooksandemma

Blog Tour stop for this thrilling and compelling read with a shocking twist

#AlltheRage @VikingBooksUK @CaraHunterBooks

"The first girl came back.The next might not be so lucky...


The first girl came back.

The next might not be so lucky.

History doesn't repeat itself. Does it?

A distressed teenage girl is found on the outskirts of Oxford. The story she tells is terrifying: grabbed off the street, a plastic bag forced over her head, then driven somewhere remote and subjected to an assault.

DI Adam Fawley is doing the best he can to investigate, but the teenager refuses to press charges.

All he can do is try to ignore the sickening feeling he's seen something like this before...

But when another girl goes missing, Fawley knows his time is running out.

Because if he ignores the past any longer, this girl may not be coming back.

My Review

Cara Hunter's books were my find of 2018, i picked up the 1st of the Fawley series "Close To Home" in a random Sainsburys while getting snacks for the long journey home from Southend to West Yorkshire.

I devoured the whole book on that journey and was googling for more before we pulled up to our home, surprised that what i had read was a debut I was happy to see the second was due for release and from here my love for this series, these characters and this authors style of writing snowballed.

So I was very much looking forward to getting stuck in to the 4th in the series and "All The Rage" did not disappoint.

It is absolutely possible to read any of the series as a stand-alone, but personally if you have not read any before I suggest you grab them all and settle in as your in far a treat.

In "All The Rage" 15 year old, Faith Appleford, is the victim of an abduction, grabbed from the street, a bag placed over her head, hands cabled ties thrown in a vehicle, later she is found distressed walking on the side of the road, she does not want the police involved refuses help, but why?

When another young girl goes missing the spotlight is turned not only to Faiths case but the that of an earlier cases from 1999 of the so called Roadside Rapist a case which Fawley was involved in. With the convicted man claiming his innocence from behind bars and the similarities almost to clear between the old and the new cases the team and Fawley himself are in for some tough questions.

Its is difficult to go through much more of the story as a spoiler free blog but I have to say how well certain aspects in this book were written and handled with sensitivity particularity those around gender reassignment.

Of course I love Adam Fawley as a character and I really enjoyed seeing a little bit more of his life and the love for his wife, the twists surrounding there relationship left me reeling they have been through so much too much yet remain strong.

Of course, Gislingham who is fitting his new role well, Somer, Everett both sharp and yet sensitive and initiative and Quinn still having his moments but even with him you see the growth in how this team has developed they all make the story too.

I love the authors writing style, we are pulled along with the team as the investigate and uncover information but the added details are so unique and add a real visual it like your doing this with them, written interviews, maps, police reports, emails, news reports, snippets of social media and even phone calls are added to blend with the way this case hurtles to its conclusion

There are some real shocks and twists as the case comes to an end and It twist that I did not see coming which left me thinking both What the hell! and questioning my own computer and Netflix history (ha!) and the final pages I was not ready for that oh my god!, what a set up for the book 5.

"All The Rage" just cements Cara Hunter as a master in this genre, with the thrilling and shocking twists to the modern and engrossing Investigative style pulling you in. You can not fail to read and finish a Cara Hunter Book without thinking wow!

I as always cannot wait for the next from this author, and with the ending of this book tantalising us with the horrors in-store for book 5 "The Whole Truth" the publication date cannot come soon enough!

Author Bio

I am lucky enough to live in the city I write about. Oxford will be familiar to crime fans across the whole world because of the fabulous Morse novels and TV, but my version of the town is a long way from the beautiful ivy-clad colleges. A much edgier place where the crimes are darker and closer to home.

I've always been a voracious reader and viewer of crime - I've learned so much from the outstanding writing that we now see on crime TV like Line of Duty or Broadchurch, and I've tried to recreate the experience of watching series like that for my readers. I love true crime TV as well - my husband used to tease me about it but now just nods sagely and says 'research' !

What else about me? I have pet cats who do their best to distract me whenever I get close to a keyboard (if you have cats, you'll know), I love travelling, spending time with friends, and I have never knowingly turned down a glass of champagne....

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Thank you to the Publisher and Author for sending me an Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) of this novel and for the opportunity to review these works.

All reviews are my own unbiased opinion.



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