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Aunt Jodie's Guide to Evolution - Jordan Bell

Writer: booksandemmabooksandemma

Book review for this engaging, fact filled fun read for young readers.

"Ready to go on a learning adventure? "


Join Sophie and Matt as Aunt Jodie takes you on an imagination-expanding journey back in time.

Learn about evolution in two different species, millions of years apart: the Plesiads, ancient lemur-like creatures from 55 million years ago, and colour-changing Peppered Moths from the 1800s.

What happens to the Plesiads when a volcano erupts? How do the moths survive when their camouflage stops working?

Discover the secrets that help all creatures transform and develop when big changes happen in the world around them.

Parents, Aunts, Uncles and Grandparents:

Do you know what happened after the dinosaurs died out, but before humans existed? Could you explain Darwin’s theory of evolution to your child?

Parents, learn along with your kids as we explore the key contributors to evolution: inheritance, variation and selection. Not just another boring bedtime story, this science adventure into the ancient past makes learning about the basics of evolution fun and engaging, and uses words and concepts that are right for kids in middle and upper primary school.

Story-based learning helps everyone remember scientific concepts. For anyone new to science, Aunt Jodie’s Guides also include an easy-to-read glossary, explaining the scientific terms used in the book, and how to pronounce them.

So give a gift of knowledge to your children and set them up for a lifetime of STEM success!

My Review

As many of you who read this blog know I have 3 boys "The Mini Twists", and these boy's are like little sponge's they love facts and have questions about EVERYTHING!

When the request for us all to read and review "Aunt Jodies Guide To Evolution" landed in my inbox, I jumped at the I just knew the boys would love the information and facts contained in the book!

this book was created by the power of crowd funding! some amazing supporters donated to get this book into the world! and over 100 books have been donated to school's in Australia!

Aunt Jodies Guide To Evolution is a fascinating and fun journey through the basic points of evolution from it's discovery to the 4 concepts that make it possible and how it affects everything around us.

The story was such an engaging read using the children's imagination in the story they take us on a journey through time, I found I learnt so many things myself through this read and for kids while this was simple explanation in no way did it feel too easy or baby like, my boys hate books that talk to them like babies!

This one gave fantastic information and used the correct language that was supported by a fantastic glossary with the words and explanations on how to say the words, which my boys found so funny testing each other with words like Epoch and Creodonts or spoken as CRAY-uh-don-ts or cray-oh dont-ya-knows as my boys called them! ha! :)

This book is a fantastic resource for children, teachers and parents alike, and I feel that Aunt Jodie could be a whole series of more intense and more complicated events and elements of STEM in a more fun way.

below are a few thoughts and comments made by my boys The Mini Twists :)

Mini Twist age 12

This book was cool I really like fact books, and record book, i collect them and this book had loads of facts and I like the animals and the way they adapt to the different environments for them to survive, The best animals I think are ones that use camouflage like lizards but i never thought of moths doing this!

Mini Twist age 10

cray-oh dont-ya-knows are cool! ha! I am joking I thought the way the furry creodonts survived was good, this book helped me understand evolution. My favourite bit was the idea of deep time over 4 billion years is huge but it made sense that deep time is like not looking at it close up but far away i think, like evolution makes scene if you look at little things that happen and how they make things change overall, I liked this it's clever

Mini Twist age 8

I like this book, my mum read it to me and we sounded out a lot of the words as they we different some my mum did not know and we sounded them and used the back of the book to teach us! I like time travel as I like Dr Who and it would be fun to see the old times, I think there should be ore of these books I would like to know about more science as I like this at school. my favourite picture was the Plesiad pictures they look like nice animals.

Author Bio

Written by Dr Jordan Bell, illustrated by Gabriel Cunnett and reviewed for scientific accuracy by paleontologist Professor John Long, Aunt Jodie’s Guide is a compelling story of adventure and discovery, that is engaging and interesting to kids and parents alike.

As a nerdy parent who loves reading to my daughter, I wanted to find interesting children’s fiction with a strong STEM message, to help her learn about the world. I know there are lots of other parents out there who really want to instill a love of science in their children, but don’t know how to do it. So I wrote us a book – Aunt Jodie’s Guide to Evolution.

Purchase Links

Thank you to the Publisher and Author for sending me an Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) of this novel and for the opportunity to review these works.

All reviews are my own unbiased opinion.



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