BlogTour stop for this Creepy and Chilling Psychological Supernatural Horror
#BoyInTheBox @fitch_marc @FlameTreePress @annecater #RandomThingsTours

"This is what true horror is meant to be, quiet and thoughtful,an eerie sense of something lurking just ahead in your path with no way of escape." — Eric J. Guignard, award-winning author and editor, including That Which Grows Wild and A World of Horror "
Ten years ago a mysterious and tragic hunting accident deep in the Adirondack Mountains lefta boy buried in astoried piece of land known as Coombs’ Gulch and four friends with aterrible secret.
Now, Jonathan Hollis and brothers Michael and Conner Braddick must return to the place thatchanged their lives forever in order to keep their secret buried.
What they don’t realize is that theyare walking into atrap — one set decades earlier byasupernatural being who is notconfined by time or place:a demon that demands a sacrifice.
FLAME TREE PRESS is the new fiction imprint of Flame Tree Publishing. Launched in 2018 the list brings together brilliant new authors and the more established; the award winners,and exciting, original voices.
My Review

There is only a few words fitting for this book...Creepy As Hell!
When a group of long time friends Jonathan, Gene, Michael and Conner head for a boys weekend away plans include dricking hunting and more drinking!
but when a young boy is shot things take a turn, A tradgic accident and yet panic takes over, the friend decided the best and only thing to do is bury the body.
10 long years later, they have all suffered the guilt weighing heavy has slowly eaten away at the all. Gene in the end could not cope with the tremendos guilt and he takes his own life.
When the remaining men are brought back together at Genes funeral they discover that the site of The burial could about to be uncovered by planned devlopment. There is nothing left for it but to return and move the body.
But questions remain from that day, Who was the boy?, Why was he alone? and as the men start digging what is with them in the woods? what has been waiting?
This was a read just packed with tension, the smotions and panic the men felt was compelling and I almost understood there worries if not the desision they came too. feeling the passing of time and the emotions of the men as the past comes back to litellary haunt them was chilling, I had some real goosebumps as this story played out. And a fair few oment where i really considered not reading this quite so late at night!
This is a fantasticly Creepy psychological horror, packed with tension, a gripping read with a complex and haunting storyline that is both chilling and dark and as the ending was playing out i found myself holding my breath
One fo the supernatural horror fans out there, I strongly recommend you leave the big light on while reading!
Author Bio

Marc E. Fitch is the author of the novels Old Boone Blood, Paradise Burns and Dirty Water,as well as the books Paranormal Nation: Why America Needs Ghosts, UFOs and Bigfootand Shmexperts: How Power Politics and Ideology are Disguised as Science.
His short fiction has appeared in numerous publications and anthologies, including Best Horror of the Year vol 10.
Marc received his Master of Fine Arts degree from Western Connecticut State Universityand has worked as a bartender, psychiatric technician for inpatient behavioral health hospitals,and most recentlyas an investigative reporter fora public-policy organization.
He was the recipient of the 2014 Robert Novak Journalism Fellowship and the Leslie Leeds Poetry Prize. He is the father of fourchildren and lives and works in Connecticut.
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#BoyInTheBox @fitch_marc @FlameTreePress @annecater #RandomThingsTours

Thank you to the Publisher and Author for sending me an Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) of this novel and for the opportunity to review these works.
All reviews are my own unbiased opinion.