#BlogTour #ForgottenHerosOfComedy @RobertWRossEsq @unbounders @RandomTTours

● Do you remember growing up in the 1970s? Dick Emery was the most famous comedian on British television. His shows would attract millions of viewers. Now, those shows are never repeated. What about Larry Semon? How about little Jimmy Clitheroe?
● In this long overdue and affectionate salute, celebrated comedy historian Robert Ross pays tribute to some of the finest, funniest and most fascinating names in comedy – from both sides of the Atlantic.
● With an introductory piece by Monty Python pioneer Terry Jones, this book will enthral and enlighten the most die-hard of comedy admirers.
Delving into the careers of the beguiling Avril Angers, the forgotten Stooge Shemp Howard, Hollywood golden girl Thelma Todd, Italian film-maker Mario Zampi and many more between — Ross honours these legends of humour who, for a variety of reasons, didn't quite reach the heady heights of stardom – or, once they did, they couldn't cope with the pressures.
Whether it is a favourite from the distant smoke-and ale-stained world of the Music Hall like the great George Robey, or the downbeat poetry of Hovis Presley, who dropped disenchanted bombs on the late 1990s the Forgotten Heroes of Comedy will finally elevate them to the Hall of Fame where they belong. Forgotten, no longer.

My Review

I have always been a huge fan of comedy from my childhood I remember the whole family watching the masters like Morecambe and Wise, Tommy Cooper and Peter Sellers to the more cheeky Ken Dodd and the extreme Roy Cubby Brown, we have always chased the laughs in our family!
Now my taste lie around Micheal McIntyre, Sarah Millican and Jimmy Carr So I could not turn down the chance to have a look through this book! and what a book it is! WOW! over 600 pages and every one of them packed with glorious information, facts and pictures.
This is the perfect gift for any comedy fan looking back at the comedians of the past, forgotten gems and a few well known faces this is a read to share, not one to sit and devourer cover to cover but one to savour and enjoy!
I have added this to my daily reads, the books I might read a chapter of page of each day and in this one I enjoy a new comedian each day learn the life the ups and downs of there career and its has been utterly fascinating not just to read, but to research as a few we have hunted down old clips of on you tube or read more about!
A fantastic fact filled trip through the lifeline of comedy and the comedians that give this art form the magic that keeps us all laughing!
Author Bio

Robert Ross is the leading authority on the history of British comedy. His sixteen books include The Monty Python Encyclopedia, The Carry On Story, Sid James – Cockney Rebel, The Complete Terry-Thomas and official BBC celebrations of Fawlty Towers, Last of the Summer Wine and Steptoe and Son.
His latest book is a critically-acclaimed biography of Marty Feldman. He is a frequent guest on radio and his many television credits include interviews for What's A Carry On?, Top Ten: Comedy Records, Will the Real Basil Fawlty Please Stand Up?, What the Pythons Did Next, Richard & Judy and BBC News. He lives in Buckinghamshire.
Blog Tour

Thank you to the Publisher and Author for sending me an Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) of this novel and for the opportunity to review these works.
All reviews are my own unbiased opinion.