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Hidden - Lisa Sell

Writer: booksandemmabooksandemma

Blog Tour stop for this absolutely gripping thriller

#Hidden @Bloodhoundbook @LisaLisax31

"The truth lies in the darkest places"


Jen Taylor has a secret.

In 1987 the body of fourteen-year-old Kelly was found on a railway track and Jen believes she was responsible for her death.

Now an adult, Jen is approached by Kelly’s mother, who asks her to help investigate her daughter’s murder.

But Jen is hiding more than anyone knows.

As the investigation is reopened by Jen, along with her former friend Claire, secrets from the past come to light and when another murder takes place, the case takes a sinister turn.

Did Jen really kill Kelly and can she ever right the wrongs of the past?

My Review

Admittedly I more or less stalked Lisa Sell on twitter to get on this blog tour for her new novel as i was so taken with the blurb i had seen on Twitter! :)

Jen our main character is training councillor but carries the real burden of her own secrets from her youth, when suddenly her past comes back to haunt her,

Jen is determined to make sure her secrets do not come out!

The story flits back and forward in time, each chapter alternates taking us back to when Jen was a teen and the next forward to the present and what is happening in Jen's life now. I loved how this made the novel flow and really ebbed up the tension.

Of course the main focus of this tale is the death of Kelly and how Jen was involved along with the guilt and emotions around this.

As always this a no spoiler review but I loved This book, Jen's character felt so real and the feelings she had around the death were so emotional and the ending was nothing short of fantastic, I just did not see it coming!

Author Bio

Lisa Sell is a thriller, crime, and mystery writer who also scribbles short stories.

Throughout her writing career she’s blogged about the twists and turns on her

To combat writer's bum and keep mentally fit, Lisa is a runner.

The consequence is she’s now a running bore but is proud of her achievements.

When she’s reading, Lisa practically hoovers up books.

The to-be-read pile has become a tower, threatening to topple on her when she’s sleeping.

Music rocks Lisa’s world too, particularly a good eighties tune. If lost, you’ll find Lisa in a DeLorean, headed for her favourite decade.

Lisa’s cats, Feegle and Wullie, try to help her write but often fail.

The furry pests demand attention and desk space. Lisa is currently applying for cat wrangling to be recognised as an Olympic sport.

Lisa is a happy pup to be part of the Bloodhound Books team. Just don’t tell the cats.

If you’d like to visit Lisa’s website/blog, click here:

or find out more by following her on social media: Facebook:

Twitter: @LisaLisax31


Purchase Links

Blog Tour


Thank you to the Publisher and Author for sending me an Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) of this novel and for the opportunity to review these works.

All reviews are my own unbiased opinion.



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