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Little White Lies - Phillippa East

Writer: booksandemmabooksandemma

Blog Tour stop for this thrilling and captivating debut

#LittleWhiteLies @HQStories @philippa_east

"She only looked away for a second… "


She only looked away for a second…

Anne White only looked away for a second, but that’s all it took to lose sight of her young daughter.

But seven years later, Abigail is found.

And as Anne struggles to connect with her teenage daughter, she begins to question how much Abigail remembers about the day she disappeared…

My Review

WOW! WOW! WOW! what a debut! Emotional and raw, Little White Lies is an absolutely amazing thriller, and It's only the start of the year but I feel i will not read a book to match this in 2020!

Abigail White disappeared seven years ago when she was just eight years old, now 7 years later she walks into a police station Holding the hand of another missing child.

Now aged fifteen Abigail is returned to her family, her mother Anne, stepfather Robert and her younger twin brothers but with everything that has happened the reunion is not perfect Abigail isn’t a little girl anymore, she has suffered been held captive how will she adjust to her new life?

Told through the eyes of her mother Anne and her cousin Jess, this story focuses on her return and the impact it has on the whole family, Anne is struggling and feels disconnected from her daughter and she worries about what Abigail knows and the secrets they both are holding.

Little White Lies was a thrilling and heart-pounding read and I inhaled this whole book in 1 day, when I was not reading it was constantly in my thoughts, I found this a passionate, addictive and complex look at trauma, heartbreak and the affects of crime and guilt on a victim and on the surrounding family.

In particular the authors explanation of Abigal's need for others to "feel" the fear she has to "feel" the trauma was utterly captivating, I was just in tears, put down what book your reading at the moment THIS is the book you need, get it online, or digitally but I Guarantee you will not read a better book or debut this year!

Author Bio

Philippa East grew up in Scotland before moving to Oxford and then London to train as a Clinical Psychologist.

A few years ago, Philippa left the NHS to set up her own part-time practice and dedicate more hours to writing. The result was her debut novel LITTLE WHITE LIES which will be published with HQ/HarperCollins in February 2020.

Philippa now lives in the beautiful Lincolnshire countryside with her husband and cat. She loves reading (of course!) and long country walks, and she also performs in a local folk duo called The Miracle Cure. Alongside her writing, Philippa continues to work as a psychologist and therapist.

You can find Philippa on Twitter: @philippa_east

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Thank you to the Publisher and Author for sending me an Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) of this novel and for the opportunity to review these works.

All reviews are my own unbiased opinion.



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