Blog Tour stop for this Dark, Twisty and cleverly chilling read.
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"A six-year-old girl disappears from a small town. Twelve years later, she’s back. But is she safe? Are you? "
Jenny Kristal was six years old when she was snatched in broad daylight from her quiet suburban neighbourhood.
Twelve years later, she miraculously returns home after escaping her kidnappers - but as her parents and older brother welcome her back, the questions begin to mount.
Where has she been all these years? Why is she back now? And is home really the safest place for her . . . or for any of them?
Warning to other readers you will not be able to put it down! I started around 8pm and finished it at 3am because it was so addictive - going to sleep without knowing what happened was not an option!’
‘A fabulous read, lots of twists upon twists. Very compelling, could not put it down.’
‘The storyline flows at a great pace, and the characters are well fleshed out. Highly recommended!’
‘Not a plot you see coming at all...’
‘Totally gripped by this story. Read it in one sitting. I never do that!’
My Review

This read is just the dark and twisty thriller that as a fan of this genre I love.
We start with every parents worst nightmare a missing child, Jenny Kristal only 6 years old left went to visit her friend a few houses up from her own and she never came home, the mystery lingers
The detuction made that she was abducted but no answers are forth coming and it was haunting to read of her parents nightmare.
But now 12 long years later Jenny is back, escaping her kidnapper and home but this is not the amazing reunion you think. is Jenny really safe are any of them?
I say A LOT in this blog that I try and stay spoiler free so I have found planning to write this review a nightmare as I honsetly do not want to say to much! This is one of the best domestic psychological thrillers I have read not just this year but for the last few years!
The story is not just compelling but absolutley dripping in the sence of unease the felling as a reader that something was off, I loved it, It was a story and characters that I just could not pin down I read so many books in this kind of theme and genre that I find myself guessing ending 90% of the time but this read keeps you on you toes and just when you think you have it cracked another twist bowls you over!
This is the perfect twistly dark read that just keeps you guessing, amazingly original and utterly addictive when your not reading it your thinking of it, this is you next book hangover waiting to happen!
Author Bio
S. K. Barnett is a pseudonym for a New York Times bestselling author whose previous thriller novel Derailed was turned into a major motion picture in 2005 featuring Jennifer Anniston and Clive Owen.
He lives in New York State with his family.
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Thank you to the Publisher and Author for sending me an Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) of this novel and for the opportunity to review these works.
All reviews are my own unbiased opinion.