BlogTour Stop for this Original, Compelling and Shocking read from a dystopian future
#BlogTour #The F*ckItList @estellecostanza @WmHeinemann @annecater #RandomThingsTours

"You are dying. Who do you kill? "
Set in a near-future America, an America that has borne two terms of Trump Presidency and is now in the first term of Donald’s daughter as president, Frank Brill, a retired small-town newspaper editor, lives in a world where the populist policies Trump is currently so keen to pursue have been a reality for some years and are getting even more extreme – an erosion of abortion rights, less and less gun control, xenophobic immigration policies.
Frank, a good man, has just been given a terminal diagnosis. Rather than compile a bucket list of all the things he’s ever wanted to do in his life, he instead has at the ready his ‘fuck-it list’. Because Frank has had to endure more than his fair share of personal misfortune. And he has the names of those who are to blame for the tragedies that have befallen him.
But eventually, as he becomes more accustomed to dishing out cold revenge and the stakes get higher and higher, and with a rogue county sheriff on his tail, there only remains one name left at the bottom of his fuck-it list.
My Review

Firstly can I just offer a HUGE appology to the Author and the Lovely Anne Cater at Random Things Tours, The Lockdown crazyness got me and for some reason I put this tour in my diary for net month!
I should not but I am going to blame the Corona for this one!
It was brought to my attention yesterday (21st April) which meant as I had not even read this book that I got cracking straight away!
Set in 2026 in a dystopian future, not that far away, Ivanka Trump is now President of the USA, after her father won the 2020 election new laws were implimented giving the goverment total power, abortion is now illegal, under the new Extreme Patriots Act the police are allowed to use immigants as slave labour, gun control is a thing of the past and Ivanka Trump is worse than her father was ever sen to be, but the supporter cheer and chant as the USA is changed forever
The we meet Frank Brill who has been diganosed with terminal cancer. Frank has had a really hearbreaking and hard life, the loss of his wife and son and later his daughter lead him to take stock and Frank desides to take action and settle some scores, from this the FUCK-IT LIST is born.
Five names. Five names on the list of people who he blames for all that happened to him all people involved in an almost cross road part of his life which choice he made which way he was pushed in these desisions are the poele he plames and now is the time with nothing left to lose, for Frank to get a little bit of revenge!
WOW what an absolute tonic!! This book was everything I did not know I need right now! Scarly close to home in the events, and wonderfully written with wit and charm.
I found myself rooting for Frank everystep of the way, caught up in his journey accross America, inflicting his revenge, I understood clearly the reasons behind his passion and his thoughts thanks to the writting style.
This book is not for the faint heart though, There are may element that could cause offence but are written as they happen and we should not shy away from other peoples actions or comments no matter how appaling, child abuse, gun violence, a mass shooting, sex, crime, corruption are plentlyfull and a lot of hate around homophobic,racist and anti-Semitic comments that some of the characters speak of are all shocking but in no way paid down. For this is real life in a shocking and scary future.
I wondered about how quickly I would get through this book and get the review I missed up and "live" I need not have worried 5 hours thats all it took from just after 7pm till I finished after midnight, I just could not stop reading I was pulled along with Frank on his journey and enthrawled by his mission and the mind blowing events that were happening around him. In the end it has left me with a huge book hangover like all the best reads do, and I have raved so much this morning now my husband is reading it too!
This read has a fair few twists and a fantasic build up at the end to the last on Franks List and the tension felt as the people try to rack him down, for the easly offened please stay away. For those willing to read and accept dystopian futures and the horrors than ensue and are looking for an original and fresh read full of passion wit and compelling charm, that cuts slightly too close to our times then this is the read for you.
Author Bio

John Niven was born in Irvine, Ayrshire. He is the author of the novella Music from the Big Pink and the novels Kill Your Friends, The Amateurs, The Second Coming, Cold Hands, Straight White Male, The Sunshine Cruise Company, No Good Deed and Kill ‘Em All.
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Thank you to the Publisher and Author for sending me an Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) of this novel and for the opportunity to review these works.
All reviews are my own unbiased opinion.