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Blog Tour stop for this captivating psychological thriller frilled with suspense.

#TheGirlFromWidowHills @MeganLMiranda @CorvusBooks @RandomTTours

"She was rescued. But never safe. "


Everyone knows the story of the girl from Widow Hills.

When Arden Maynor was six years old, she was swept away in terrifying storm and went missing for days. Against all odds, she was found alive, clinging to a storm drain. A living miracle.

Arden's mother wrote a book, and fame followed. But so did fans, creeps and stalkers. It was all too much, and as soon as she was old enough, Arden changed her name and left Widow Hills behind.

Now, a young woman living hundreds of miles away, Arden is known as Olivia. With the twentieth anniversary of her rescue looming, media interest in the girl who survived is increasing. Where is she now? The stress brings back the night terrors of Olivia's youth.

Often, she finds herself out of bed in the middle of the night, sometimes outside her home, even streets away.

Then one evening she jolts awake in her yard, with the corpse of a man at her feet.

The girl from Widow Hills is about to become the centre of the story, once again.

My Review

This was one of those books with the most perfect of blurbs that hooks you so much your stumbling over your life to find time to get really stuck in to this story as you just know its going to be a goody!

In this read we meet Olivia Meyer, a hospitable administrator who is keen to live a simple and private life. We quickly learn that Olivia is not who she seems and she has good reason to keep the world at bay.

Olivia's is real name is Arden, at age six Arden was washed down a storm drain after sleepwalking out of her house, even with a huge search it was 3 long days until she was found clinging to a storm drain cover, her story captured the nation and as the press, she became known as The Girl from Widow Hills, money rolled in even her Mother wrote a book about the time, but as Arden grew up she became more and more unable to cope with her notoriety and fame.

So Arden changed her name to Olivia and slipped away leaving family and friends she left to seek a more quite life away from the pressures.

Yet now its Twenty long years later, and while Olivia has achieved the secrecy she wanted she is suddenly is sleepwalking again, is it the pressure of the upcoming anniversary? but as the sleepwalking events happen more and more one night Olivia wakes up to find a mans dead body at her feet.

This is a enthralling read from start to finish, a slow burn to start the story setting us up with Olivia's life now and giving us chapters showing the events of 20 years ago and the time she was missing and its is also wonderful interlaced with press cutting, interviews and parts of the book Arden's mother wrote.

I could understand Olivia reluctance to trust after all she had been through and yet she made me want to yell at the page for some of the decisions she made, which only happens when you know you really enjoy a character!

this was a captivating psychological thriller filled with suspense, the description of sleepwalking were quite terrifying at times not have suffered this myself i can not imagine the fear of waking up in another place with little or no memories!

I found that anything I had thought this read was blown away time and time again, plenty of misdirection which left me reading at speed to uncover the truth and the lies of the story.

Author Bio

Megan Miranda is the author of All The Missing Girls, The Perfect Stranger, and The Last House Guest, which was the August 2019 Reese’s Book Club x Hello Sunshine pick.

She grew up in New Jersey, graduated from MIT, and lives in North Carolina with her husband and two children.

Follow @MeganLMiranda on Twitter and Instagram, or @AuthorMeganMiranda on Facebook.

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Thank you to the Publisher and Author for sending me an Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) of this novel and for the opportunity to review these works.

All reviews are my own unbiased opinion.



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