Blog Tour stop for this layered and challenging thriller that shows a diffrent side of domentic abuse.
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"The other side of domestic bliss.."
What could be so bad that a six-year-old stops talking?
Domestic violence isn't only perpetrated by men. Ask Paul Jackson who is on remand, accused of stabbing his wife, Michelle.
As he reveals his reality behind their troubled marriage, it seems that only his six-year-old knows what really happened.
But she's trapped in her own world of silence.
My Review

This is my second review of a book by this author the first been "The Last Cuckoo" and she really has been a standout find in 2020 for me and I dont think she gets half the praise that should be heaped her way!
This is a story that turns the assumed victim and attacker in domestic voiolence on it head.
Here we meet Paul Jackson in a gripping opening phone call to the emergency services to report a stabbing, the stabbing of his wife Michelle.
but Paul and Michelles marrige has not been easy, he loves his wife but her behaviour has become more and more out of control but he could never have imagined it would lead to this? but what really did happen that night?
With Paul on remand his story is laid bare through polive interviews and the presented case in court we learn the lies and the secrets and realise the only person who knows the truth of that night the couples 6 year old daughter is refusing to speak to anyone at all can anyone get through to her before its too late?
This book is completly gripping and intence following the couples jounery and that of their daughter. The revelations and the lies thrown around are breathtaking and nothing more so that the twist of and ending!
This whole read left me reeling, if your looking for a complex, layered and yet clever psychological thriller with a killer twist then look no further, This author is paving her way with this standout read and I cannot wait for what is to come next!
Author Bio

Maria Frankland's life began at 40 when she escaped an unhappy marriage and began making a living from her own writing and becoming a teacher of creative writing.
The rich tapestry of life with all its turbulent times has enabled her to pour experience, angst and lessons learned into the writing of her novels and poetry.
She recognises that the darkest places can exist within family relationships and this is reflected in the domestic thrillers she writes. She is a 'born 'n' bred' Yorkshirewoman, a mother of two and has recently found her own 'happy ever after' after marrying again.
Still in her forties, she is now going to dedicate the rest of her working life to writing books and inspiring other writers to also achieve their dreams too!
Twitter @writermaria_f
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Thank you to the Publisher and Author for sending me an Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) of this novel and for the opportunity to review these works.
All reviews are my own unbiased opinion.