The words Unique and Original were made for this memoir lovingly telling the story of the author.

"Poerty, Politics, POP POP POP! "
The Princess of Felling describes Elaine’s childhood and adolescence growing up on Tyneside in the 1970s and 1980s.
The book pays homage to her home town of Felling on Tyne and is an extended, loving letter to her late parents.
This illustrated poetic memoir features a Foreword by Michael Chaplin, photographs of Felling taken in summer 2018 by Rossena Petcova and unique maps by poet and artist Steve Lancaster.
The book contains reminiscences by Felling folk plus guest appearances by Nick Heyward, David Almond, Tracey Thorn, Sir Kingsley Amis, The Reverend Richard Coles, Lady Elsie Robson, U.A. Fanthorpe, Gyles Brandreth and more.
My Review

I'm so grateful that my little book bloging world opens my reading world to such amaing and diverse reads and when "The Princess of Felling arrived I was just bowled over by the design and the inclusion of so many notes, pictures and other intresting elements I could not wait to get stuck in!
The words Unique and Original were made for this memoir lovingly telling the story of the author Elaine Cusack and the area of Felling in the Tyneside area in which she grew up, in the 70s and 80s.
With wonderful recollections of the area, the homes and the local characters, along side the authors family members with fondness and joy the author brings these people and this area to life for the reader.
Not only was I transpoted to memories of my own childhood in the 80's I loved the added mix of stories, poems, pictures from the time and maps they all felt like little extra treats as you explore this era and the authors childhood.
We travel through her childhood and see the changes that time and new ideas and improvements make to the area, the author keeps things very real and not everything is see with rose tinited glasses.
The author states this is in part a loving letter to her parents I feel it is that and more, a loving journery through her childhood, a beautiful thank you to the area and a tale of coming of age and growing up tinged with sadness but heeped in happyness.
The ending was very appt the authors insight in to who really is the Princess of Felling felt like a very fitting end, but for me as the end came I only wnated more, This memoir for all its involvement and inclusions is still a short read at around 88 pages, but everypage is packed with so much beautiful writing and wonder, I almost wanted to slow down my reading to make it last!
For me this is a book that will now stay on my shelf always, to be shown to family and friends but mostly enjoyed again and again by me!
If your looking for something diffrent for a read that will be not only emotitive but utterly enjoyable in it uniqueness, I highly recommend getting on the links and buying yourself a copy!
Author Bio

Buy your copy in person from selected outlets including Hexham’s Cogito Books, Felling Volunteer Library, Newcastle Central Library, Happy Planet Studio and Gallery in Whitley Bay and online from Elaine’s publisher
Purchase Links
Buy your copy in person from selected outlets including Hexham’s Cogito Books, Felling Volunteer Library, Newcastle Central Library, Happy Planet Studio and Gallery in Whitley Bay and online from Elaine’s publisher
Social media links
Find out more about Elaine’s writing and forthcoming gigs by visiting, and by liking her Elaine Cusack writer page on Facebook.
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Thank you to the Publisher and Author for sending me an Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) of this novel and for the opportunity to review these works.
All reviews are my own unbiased opinion.