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Victory Day (Battle Ground #5) - Rachel Churcher

Writer: booksandemmabooksandemma

A stunning and emotional ending to this amazing series

#VictoryDay @rachel_churcher @rararesorces

"When victory is declared, what next? "


Bex Ellman and Ketty Smith meet in London.

As the war heats up around them, Bex and Ketty must learn to trust each other.

With her friends and family in danger, Bex needs Ketty to help rescue them.

For Ketty, working with Bex is a matter of survival.

When Victory is declared, both will be held accountable for their decisions.

The Battle Ground series is set in a dystopian near-future UK, after Brexit and Scottish independence.

My Review

This review was not posted on the intended date due to technical issues on my end, For this I would just like to apologise to the Author, the Publisher and the Tour Organiser and thank them all for their understanding.

This is the 5th and final book in the Battleground series, a YA dystopian series set in the near future.

When any series comes to an end you wonder if it will live up to your expectations? The battle ground series for me has been hugely enjoyable a step out of my usual genre

Each book in the series for me has just got better and as I finished the series I am thrilled to report that the author has not let us down!

The build up to the showdown has been intense over many books but the author pulled the rug from under me in such a fantastic way in that the main showdown was over very quickly and instead this book became about how people moved forward.

How does society rebuild? what happens next? our group reflect upon their actions and it was so emotional and masterfully written that I was welling up realise these are just kids at the end what they have faced and now reflect on with wise head that are older than there true years.

Victory day was a stunning read with a really satisfying ending to the series I am sad it is over but I am look forward to more from the author and what lives and world she may create next.

Author Bio

Rachel Churcher was born between the last manned moon landing, and the first orbital Space Shuttle mission.

She remembers watching the launch of STS-1, and falling in love with space flight, at the age of five. She fell in love with science fiction shortly after that, and in her teens she discovered dystopian fiction.

In an effort to find out what she wanted to do with her life, she collected degrees and other qualifications in Geography, Science Fiction Studies, Architectural Technology, Childminding, and Writing for Radio.

She has worked as an editor on national and in-house magazines; as an IT trainer; and as a freelance writer and artist. She has renovated several properties, and has plenty of horror stories to tell about dangerous electrics and nightmare plumbers.

She enjoys reading, travelling, stargazing, and eating good food with good friends – but nothing makes her as happy as writing fiction.

Her first published short story appeared in an anthology in 2014, and the Battle Ground series is her first long-form work. Rachel lives in East Anglia, in a house with a large library and a conservatory full of house plants.

She would love to live on Mars, but only if she’s allowed to bring her books.

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Thank you to the Publisher and Author for sending me an Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) of this novel and for the opportunity to review these works.

All reviews are my own unbiased opinion.



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